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Conference of fruit producers
December 9 – 17, 2021


Organizer: FruitNews Information Agency

General partner of the conference – EuroChem Group


General partner of the conference – EuroChem Group

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Fruitcon 2021 goes online

Dear participants, friends and colleagues!

Fruitcon 2021 will be now held in online format only. We had to make this decision due to new anti-Covid restrictions in Kradnodar region.

We continue to work on our interesting and highly topical programme and look forward to seeing you all online.

Fruitcon 2021 Online will be held from December 9th till December 17th. Conference sessions will be broadcasted each working day on https://fruitnews.ru/fruitcon.html website. During these sessions each participant will have possibility to ask questions and exchange opinions in real time.

We will publish our updated programme and sessions schedule on November 29th, 2021.

Now to participate in the conference you only need to have internet connection. What needs to be done now?

1. Register for the conference (in case you haven’t done it before)
2. Add reminder to your calendar on the Fruitcon 2021 dates: December 9th and 10th, as well as December 13-17, 2021 so you do not miss anything

See you online!

Comprehensive consideration of successful cases of both Russian and foreign companies for the application and adaptation of international experience

Gaining theoretical and practical knowledge of the latest industry practices

Specialized event for representatives of the fruit industry

An opportunity to exchange views and develop common approaches for key industry players to address key issues of growing and marketing fruit

A platform for the exchange of views, experience and knowledge between fruit producers, trading companies, suppliers of technologies, equipment and materials, as well as representatives of the scientific community of Russia and other countries

Participation of the largest manufacturers and recognized experts


A platform for the presentation of technologies, equipment and materials for growing, sorting, packaging, processing and storing fruits


  • Fruit producers, key specialists in the fruit industry
  • Russian and foreign experts in the field of intensive orchards growing
  • Planting material suppliers
  • Manufacturers of fertilizers and plant protection products
  • Providers of services, suppliers of equipment and materials for growing, packaging and processing fruits
  • Wholesale and retail enterprises
  • Scientific and educational institutions


December 9th (Thursday)

10am – 2pm

Conference opening. Round table “Horticulture growth points and development directions”

10am – 2pm

Moderator: Irina Koziy, General Director of FruitNews Information Agency

  • Welcome speech. Key support measures for horticulture development - Roman Nekrasov, Director of the Department of Crop Production, Mechanization, Chemicalization and Plant Protection of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture
  • Welcome speech. Horticulture in Krasnodar region – Evgeniy Kritskiy, Head of the Horticulture Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Krasnodar region
  • Welcome speech. Fruit import restrictions as a measure of state support for horticulture – Nikolai Scherbakov, General Director of the Kuban Orchard Growers Union, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
  • Fruit diversification. Advantages and difficulties of expanding the range of fruit crops in the horticultural sector - Zamir Balkizov, General Director of “Sad-Gigant Ingushetia” LLC
  • Industry situation and prospects in figures - Irina Koziy, General Director of FruitNews Information Agency
  • Grant support for horticulture in accordance with the format, size and needs of the farm enterprise – Oksana Galieva, Deputy Director of Samara-Aris State Budget-Funded Entity of Professional Postgraduate Education Institution, Samara-Agrarian Regional Information System
  • Organization of fruit sales and markets development for small horticultural enterprises – Elena Drevaleva, Counselor of the Direction of cooperative chains for small businesses development of MSP Corporation

December 10th (Friday)


Round table “Formation of assortment and distribution channels for fruits”


Moderator: Irina Koziy, General Director of FruitNews Information Agency

  • Fruit answer to market demands. Selection of varieties, technologies and packaging following the needs of retail chains - Bruno Marme, General Director, Crimean Fruit Company JSC
  • Fruits for retail. Retail chain needs and requirements for supplies and suppliers of Russian fruits – Alexandra Sukhareva, Purchasing Department Head of Fruit/Vegetables Category at Perekrestok chain of X5 Group
  • Potential of stone fruit sales in Azbuka Vkusa Retail Chain – Anton Berko, Fruit and Vegetables Category Manager of Azbuka Vkusa Retail Chain
  • Difficulties in stone fruit sales in Russia - Vladislav Korchagin, Director of KSP Druzhba LLC
  • New niches creation in the fruit market based on consumer preferences – Vladimir Keler, Commercial Director, Agronom-Sad Company
  • Key problems of fruit sales – Andrey Medvedev, Owner of Most-Agro JSC
  • Difficulties of stone fruit sales – Vladislav Korchagin, Director of KSP Druzhba LLC
  • Freezing as an opportunity to diversify sales channels for fruit and berry products - Igor Bugorsky, General Director of “Fragaria” LLC

December 13th (Monday)


Session: " Optimization of crop protection and fertilization programs in connection with climate changes and market demands”


Moderator: Irina Koziy, General Director of FruitNews Information Agency

  • Impact of climate change on modern horticulture and ways of overcoming new environmental challenges by fruit producers –Yuriy Trunov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Horticulture, Biotechnology and Selection of Agricultural Crops of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Michurinsk State Agrarian University”
  • Effective pesticides and methods for pests and diseases control in orchards - Maxim Korostiev, Technical Expert for Perennial Crops, “Syngenta”
  • Changes of the dominant diseases and pests in fruit orchards in the South of Russia. Necessary adjustments to the programs for monitoring and crop protection in the orchard - Marina Podgornaya, Doctor of Bioscience, Head of the Laboratory of Protection and Toxicological Monitoring of Perennial Agrocenosis of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking”
  • Impact of errors in the organization of nutrition on the quality of fruits (cracking of stone fruits, bitter pitting, etc.). Adjustment of nutrition programs to obtain the maximum share of marketable fruits - Maria Vizirskaya, Head of the Development of Agrochemical Services in the Region "Russia and the CIS" of "EuroChem Trading Rus" LLC
  • Importance of leaf fertilization in industrial orchards – Alexander Mikhailov, Horticultural Agronomist of Lebosol East Co.
  • Evaluation of soils suitability for laying fruit plantations and optimization of the fertilization regime for apple plants - Taras Fomenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Functional Scientific Center "Horticulture", Head of the Laboratory of Agrochemistry and Melioration of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasus Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking"

December 14th (Tuesday)


Session: "Development of technologies and equipment for horticulture"


Moderator: Irina Koziy, General Director of FruitNews Information Agency

  • Where does orchard begin? - Nikolai Scherbakov, General Director of the Kuban Orchard Growers Union, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
  • Choice of apple varieties for effective industrial cultivation in central Russia - Alexander Soloviev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Horticulture, Biotechnology and Breeding of Agricultural Crops of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Michurinsky State Agrarian University"
  • Plum, sour cherry and cherry growing technologies - Vladislav Korchagin, Director of KSP Druzhba LLC
  • Automation of orchard works. Current opportunities and prospects for the introduction of new machines and technologies in horticulture – Ilan Hurgin, Director of AIK-AGROSYSTEMS Co. Branch Office in of Israel
  • Modern methods of orchard irrigation and key mistakes in irrigation systems development – Denis Sergeev, Agronomist – Consultant of AIK-AGROSYSTEMS Co.
  • Large and small mechanization in the orchard – Victor Grib, Head of the Sales Department of Novatech Co.
  • Types and trends in the development of a fruit tray on the modern market - Ekaterina Arkhipova, Regional Manager of “Sacmi” Co.

December 15th (Wednesday)


Round table: "Focus on Pears"


Moderator: Roman Isaev, Ph.D. in agricultural sciences, General Director of “М-КОNS-1” LLC

  • Trends in the development of pear production in Russia: regions, varieties, key problems and their solutions - Roman Isaev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, General Director of “Experimental Center М-КОNS-1” LLC
  • Production experience in pear cultivation: problems and solutions - Kazim Atabiev, Chief Agronomist of Agricultural Production Cooperative De-Gusto
  • Prospects for the development of pear culture in the South of Russia on the basis of rational placement and selection of adaptive varieties - Anna Klyukina, Junior Researcher of the Management of Reproduction in Fruit Agrocenoses and Ecosystems Laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking" (The presentation prepared with the participation of Professor Dragavtseva I.A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, and breeder Mozhar N.V., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences)
  • Peculiarities of pear orchard protection - Marina Podgornaya, Doctor of Biosciences, Head of the Laboratory of Protection and Toxicological Monitoring of Perennial Agrocenosis of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking”
  • Modern technologies for storing pear fruits of the Xenia (Noyabrskaya) variety, ensuring the supply of products to retail chains until June - Vladimir Gudkovsky, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Post-Harvest Technologies Department; Lyudmila Kozhina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Post-Harvest Technologies Department; Yuri Nazarov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Post-Harvest Technologies of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FNC im. I.V. Michurin"
  • Peculiarities of the industrial pear orchard development and protection in the current conditions of the Southern Russia – Alexander Sterlev, Head of Sterlev Co.
  • Growing pears in the Netherlands and the prospects of Dutch producers experience application in Russia - Han Verbeek, Co-founder, Sales Director of the Group of Companies " Verbeek Nurseries " (Netherlands)
  • Organization of supply of seedlings from the Netherlands - Svetlana Chopliani, Founder of the Family Fruits Holland Co.

December 16th, Thursday


Round table: "The future of table grape cultivation in Russia"

Co-organizer of the session GKU "Stavropolvinogradplodoprom"


Moderator: Aleksey Lysenko, Head of the State Institution "Stavropolvinogradplodoprom"

  • Choice of the optimal variety-rootstock combinations of sour cherry, plum, cherry for cultivation in the South of Russia - Anna Kuznetsova, Doctor of Biosciences, Head of the nursery laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking"
  • Experience of an intensive cherry orchard establishing in Central Russia - Igor Bugorsky, General Director of Fragaria LLC
  • Intensive and extensive orchards of the sour cherry. Pros and cons – Hasyan Sharafutdinov, Professor of the Horticultural Department of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
  • Technologies and varieties for industrial cultivation of sweet cherries. Experience of Serbian producers - Mikhailo Nikolic, Stone Fruit Cultivation Consultant, Breeder, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, author of textbooks and monographs on fruit growing (Serbia)

December 17th, Friday


Round table: "Stonefruits"


Moderator: Irina Koziy, General Director of FruitNews Information Agency

  • Plum, sour cherry and cherry. Growing technologies. Difficulties in realization - Vladislav Korchagin, Director of KSP Druzhba LLC
  • Choice of the optimal variety-rootstock combinations of sour cherry, plum, cherry for cultivation in the South of Russia - Anna Kuznetsova, Doctor of Biosciences, Head of the nursery laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking"
  • Experience of an intensive cherry orchard establishing in Central Russia - Igor Bugorsky, General Director of Fragaria LLC
  • Key issues of ensuring the health of stone fruit crops. Protection against moniliosis, coccomycosis and other diseases - Maksim Korostiev, Technical Expert on Perennial Crops, “Syngenta”
  • Intensive and extensive orchards of the sour cherry. Pros and cons – Hasyan Sharafutdinov, Professor of the Horticultural Department of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
  • Technologies and varieties for industrial cultivation of sweet cherries. Experience of Serbian producers - Mikhailo Nikolic, Stone Fruit Cultivation Consultant, Breeder, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, author of textbooks and monographs on fruit growing (Serbia)



High professional level of the conference participants. Participation of managers and technical directors of horticultural enterprises


Opportunity to present new solutions in the field of nutrition and plant protection, modern technologies and equipment for efficient orchard, fruits storage and sale in the information sessions, and during the industry exhibition


Feedback and discussion of specific cases from Russian and foreign industry experts

informal communication

Opportunities for informal communication during coffee breaks, lunches and business dinner

Irina Koziy

Irina Koziy
General director FruitNews

Introduction of the modern technologies of the growing, harvesting, storing and post-harvest processing is critically important for the fruit growers that are interested in developing their production of high quality competitive fruit fitting the current market conditions. These modern technologies introduction requires constant improvement and perfection of the knowledge and experience among the fruit industry members both inside Russia and on the international level.
FruitCon Conference is created exactly as a platform for the knowledge, opinions and ideas exchange among the fruit growers, researchers, industry experts, suppliers of technical solutions, equipment and materials for the fruit industry, wholesale and retail trading companies.
I am absolutely sure that meeting the demand of the Russian consumers and international buyers for high quality, tasty and visually appealing fruit is the key goal of all industry players.

Let’s meet and work on the reaching this goal together!

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