FruitNews Advertising Options


Advertising materials

# Format Cost of development or translation Cost of placement Cost of announcement on the main page
Article 1000-4000 characters 9 000 RUR 9 000 RUR 54 000 RUR
Interview 3000-7000 characters 18 000 RUR 9 000 RUR 54 000 RUR
Video 3-7 minutes 9 000 RUR 9 000 RUR 54 000 RUR


Category Position Width Height Cost
Main Page and All News Pages Top (MT) 555 96  81 000 RUR 
Right top (RT) 296 150  54 000 RUR 
Right small (RS) 98 100  27 000 RUR 
Right middle (RM) 296 100  27 000 RUR 
Right bottom (RB) 296 100  9 000 RUR 
Events Top (ET) 747 96  54 000 RUR 
Right side (ER) 296 100  27 000 RUR 
Video, Photo Top (VPT) 747 96  54 000 RUR 
Right side (VPR) 296 100  27 000 RUR 
Footer on All Pages Footer (FL) 829 100  36 000 RUR 

20% discount is possible for banner placement only on the main page or only on inner pages

fool-v2 banners positions


Technical guidelines for banners

  1. Preferred file formats: Gif, Jpeg or Flash
  2. Link from the banner can lead to your website of to article.
  3. Geometric size of the banner should exactly correspond with the advertising space, where this banner will be placed.

We are open to discuss any other advertising options - special banner placement, advertising in particular article and etc.We are open to discuss any other advertising options - special banner placement, advertising in particular article and etc.