Prices for orange juice in the world can grow

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Prices for orange juice all over the world could grow in the coming months. The reason for this-the strongest over the past seven years, the harvest of citrus fruit in Brazil, the world's largest producer of orange juice. Prices for orange juice all over the world could grow in the coming months. The reason for this-the strongest over the past seven years, the harvest of citrus fruit in Brazil, the world's largest producer of orange juice. Brazilian suppliers, according to The Financial Times, has already raised the prices of 50-60%. Cutrale company of Brazil announced that due to the poor harvest of oranges in Brazil caused by Frost and diseases of trees, oranges grow. Brazil's share in the global market now accounts for about half of the oranges. Cutrale of Brazil predicts a crop of oranges in Brazil in 2010-2011, at 6.2%, to 286 million boxes, compared with the season 2009-2010. This is the minimum rate of the season 2003-2004. Prices could grow even stronger if the crop in Florida, the second largest producer in the world, will suffer from hurricanes. According to the United States Department of agriculture, a crop of Florida oranges in the 2009-2010 year will be 136 million boxes and will be the minimum for more than 10 years. Against this backdrop of rising and the price of futures for frozen juice concentrate. Since January of last year, prices in New York rose by 95%. Russian manufacturers of juices soothe juicing growth that our country will not. In 2008, Brazil exported to Russia of fresh fruit at the 6.5 million US dollars, it is only 0.17% of the total fruit imports in that year. Supplier to the Russian market of fruit company JFC reported shipments of citrus fruits from Brazil will begin in the autumn, now on the domestic market are sold oranges from SOUTH AFRICA, Argentina and Uruguay. And the official representative of the company-manufacturer of juices "Lebedianskij" Alexander Kostikov said that the rise in prices of oranges in Brazil especially because American consumers will feel the United States consumption of orange juice direct отжима is 60-70%. In Russia, where most of the orange juice is reconstituted juice, oranges price increase will not be as noticeable to the consumer. The share of consumption of orange juice direct отжима is only a few percent. From 2009 onwards the consumption amounted to 19 liters per person per year.